
列國時代結束 和 基督國度的到來

但以理書第二章和第七章的預言告訴我們,從巴比倫帝國直到基督第二次降臨,人類的統治。 看看神是如何成就並會完成我們一生的預言的。

The Day of Atonement

Fellowship concerning the feast – the Day of Atonement. Christ made the atonement for us. He is perfect and without sin; He did not have to make atonement for Himself. Hebrews tells us that in the old covenant, the high priest needed to firstly offer a sin offering for himself, for his own sins; then he could…

Presentations – The Signs of the Times

Regarding the Nation of Israel – click HERE The End of an Era – click HERE As in the Days of Noah and Lot – click HERE The End of the New Covenant Age – click HERE The Final 7 Years – click HERE The Rapture of the Firstfruits and God’s Judgments – click HERE Prepared...

God’s Advice to Mankind

God’s Advice to Mankind “Hear this, all peoples; give ear, all inhabitants of the world, both low and high, rich and poor together…Those who trust in their wealth and boast in the multitude of their riches, none of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to...

God the Father is Seeking the True Worshipers

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and reality; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and reality.” John 4:23-24 What is the True...

Timeline of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

For the charts showing the dispensations of the kingdom of God, and the detail timeline of the second coming of Christ in which God deals with His people and the nations, please click here. For the booklet format of the charts showing the dispensations of the kingdom...

Welcome to God’s Family

Welcome to God’s Family What it really means to be a Christian Praise the Lord that you have prayed to receive Christ as your Savior. Do you know that you now have eternal salvation and have entered into a wonderful relationship with Him? Your Sins are Forgiven by God...

Pray Read the Word of God

A Living Way to Read the Bible Pray Reading God's Word How to Read the Holy Scriptures for One’s Own Edification (An abridged version of a brief lecture by August Hermann Francke, written in the 16th century as an introduction to the earliest edition of the Luther...

The Church

Why do we meet as the church in Fountain Valley? Simply stated, according to the Bible, God desires that we meet as the church in Fountain Valley. As Christians who love Jesus Christ, we should love what He loves and know what God desires: His church. To truly see His...

Jesus Christ Is Indeed the Messiah

Jesus Christ is Indeed the Messiah For centuries it has been debated on whether or not Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. Many have come, and will come, claiming to be the Christ. How do we know who is truly the Messiah? We find the answer in the Bible, the holy Word...

The Son of God vs. The Religion of Man

The Son of God versus the Religion of Men When Jesus Christ lived on this earth 2000 years ago, Judaism, a religion based on God’s word in the Old Testament, was well established. One would think that those belonging to Judaism would have fully welcomed the Messiah;...

How Long Is Eternity?

How long is Eternity? In human life, all things have a definite end.  There are 9 months of pregnancy before a child is born.  On average a student might go through 17 years of schooling before they graduate.  Careers typically last 40 years before retirement.  And,...

No Time For God

No Time for God - God's Invitation for You Time for Ourselves In this hectic and busy present age, we are always seeking to make time for ourselves, for the things we think are important.  Some want to make more money, to have more entertainment, or to spend more...

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